Many CIGS experts are aware of the tradition of the International Workshop on CIGS Solar Cell Technology (IW-CIGSTech) usually being held at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB). For the scope of last year’s event, see the IW-CIGSTech 6 website.

In 2016, HZB and ZSW will be joining forces to offer IW-CIGSTech 7 as a parallel event at the 32nd European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, EU-PVSEC, taking place in Munich, Germany, in June. IW-CIGSTech 7 will take place as a full-day meeting on Thursday, 23rd of June, 2016, including an evening event in downtown Munich.
IW-CIGSTech 7 will be an international workshop focussing on CIGS solar cell technology, combining scientific and technological aspects with their industrial applications. The workshop will consist of invited talks, discussions and poster presentations. Please note that the programme of the workshop will be fully complementary to the main Conference programme topics.
The organizers – Rutger Schlatmann (HZB), Michael Powalla (ZSW), and Hans-Werner Schock – would be delighted to welcome you in Munich for a day of lively discussions on CIGS technology topics. Further details will be published soon.
If you would like to be put on the workshop mailing list, please contact Claudia Brusdeylins.